Contact Us

×The application portal will temporarily be down for maintenance on Tuesday, 4/30 between 6am-8am (PT).
×Due to high demand and limited funding, OCVRP will be open for a short time in 2024. Vehicles must be purchased or leased between April 3, 2024, to June 3, 2024, to be eligible for a rebate. Applicants have six months from their date of purchase or lease to apply. Low- and moderate-income households can prequalify for the $5,000 Charge Ahead rebate by completing the application now at

For Applicants and Dealers

For more information about dealership enrollment or questions about your application, please contact the Center for Sustainable Energy

855–EVEHICLE (855–383-4425), or

For Community Based Organizations

For more information about outreach and community events please contact
Thuy Tu Consulting

(503) 490-6389, or